Tag Archives: registration

2016/17 Year: Still a few spaces left

As of September 30, 2016, Varsity View Co-operative Preschool has a few spaces available for this school year, 2016/2017 – we can accept a few last students and are also accepting people on a wait list.

For more information, please email the Registrar at VVCP Registrar.

If you would like to register, we require a completed registration form (available to download on the FORMS page), as well as the $25 registration fee.

2015-16 Handbooks in the mail

Preschool Handbooks and other information for the upcoming 2015-16 preschool year are in the mail and/or should have been delivered to your household if your child is registered for this coming year.

If you don’t receive anything soon, please contact the preschool registrar.

The website has been updated to reflect information in this year’s Handbook.