Handbook: Volunteering



We are very excited that you are going to be sharing in your child’s preschool experience! Children, parents and educators working together are an integral part of creating an environment that fosters each child’s uniqueness and development. The partnership that will be created throughout the year will provide us with many benefits including the following:

• Makes parents aware of their child’s learning experience.
• Facilitates dialogue between parents, children and educators.• Makes children aware their work is valued.

Regulation states in addition to the teacher, there must be at least one parent (or alternate caregiver) present in the classroom to maintain a 1:8 adult/child ratio. All preschool families are responsible to volunteer each month for a total of 10 shifts per child throughout the year. Younger siblings will not be allowed to attend due to COVID.

There is 1 visitor parking pass hanging on the bulletin board in the preschool office, for parent helpers to use.  Please remember to return it after your shift.

A $75 penalty may be withdrawn if a family fails to complete a monthly shift. Repeated missed shifts will result in your child losing their spot at the preschool.

**Your parent helper day is your child’s “Helping Hand” day! They are responsible for circle time, weather and calendar activities from the special chair beside the teacher.  There is also an opportunity for your child to present Show and Tell.  Mrs. T asks that children bring three items to share:  something from nature, a toy/special item, and a picture (a photograph or drawn).

If you cannot come on your helper day, it is your responsibility to swap with another parent, or arranging a fill-in who has a completed criminal record check. 


A toy wash is scheduled every month. An adult from each family is required to participate in one of the toy washes during the year. It is not a time consuming event when the scheduled group shows up. There will be a board member in charge at each toy wash session. Failure to attend a toy wash will result in a $100 fee to be paid..


  1. Please arrive 10 minutes before the normal start time to discuss the day’s activities.
  2. Assist with putting belongings in lockers, changing shoes, and putting snack on the shelf.
  3. Check the daily toy-cleaning schedule posted on the fridge.
    – AM helpers load designated toys into dishwasher (no soap; sanitize cycle)
    – PM helpers unload, dry and put toys away.
  • Table Time: If there is time available after sorting out the dishwasher, you may help the children with the puzzles and activities.
  • During Circle Time: Often Mrs. T will ask for supplies to be laid out for the group project or craft.
  • During Group Project/Craft: Supervise and offer assistance to children with the activity. Assist with material preparation and clean-up.
  • Play Time: This is a good time to clean the bathrooms. The two toilets need to be wiped down using cleaning products – please use the toilet brushes and paper towel found in the bathroom. Latex gloves are provided, they are located in the cabinet in the bathroom
  • During Show and Tell: Please feel free to watch your child present their item(s). While things are being passed around, please wipe the tables down with cleaning products in preparation for snack. Place the containers on the tables for items to be recycled.
  • During snack: Help children wash hands and open containers. Please feel free to bring a snack for yourself to sit and chat with the children.
  • After snack: Wipe down tables and sweep the floor. Rinse and sort recyclables from snack time.
  • During story: Please “spot mop” with a moistened mop the areas on the floor that require it. This will not be the entire floor, but areas that have food or craft materials. Please wipe down counters (in main room and kitchen). Also tidy any other areas that may need it in the room.
  • Outside play time: Help children prepare for outside play/ home time. Before joining them, PM parent helpers, please vacuum the carpets. Please make sure all tasks have been completed (washrooms, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming).